Posts in Wellness
Time for a detox...

Sometimes our bodies can tend to get a little over burdened due to toxic exposure from the foods we eat, those daily coffees we drink and even from the air we breathe. 

I thought I'd treat my body to a heavy dose of mostly green juices in an attempt to rid myself of low energy, fatigue, bloating and an annoying redness on my cheeks. Who wants any of that?! Seriously...

It's been a couple of years since my last juice cleanse that I did with Pressed Juices, which I found to be an amazing reset for me that I really felt a difference from. My mind was clearer, as was my skin, I had more energy and I was more conscious about what I was eating and drinking. I guess after a while I got lazy and my sweet tooth took over, as did a caffeine addiction.  I was unintentionally passively breathing in other people cigarette smoke, usually at my outdoor gigs - I hate that so much! Note to smokers...move away from the singers please!! Travel air is never great either, and I was getting my fair share of that too.

Enough with all of the toxic contributors, so here I am, 3 days in, to flooding my body with litres of cold pressed goodness and I'm feeling pretty good! This time around, I am trying mostly green juices from Organic Avenue. I've also been adding in a little Super Elixir to one of my juices for some extra alkalising green power! I haven't completely been doing a 'cleanse' I wished to, as a few of my juices were a little fizzy, so I substituted with healthy food, nuts and a square of dark chocolate. I guess that has made my 'detox' a little easier for me. I haven't really felt 'detoxy', but I can say I am feeling bright as daylight, definitely not bloated and I'm as happy as I can be! 

Life just seems so much easier when you feel good on the inside. I encourage you to get some greens into your bodies too! Don't we all want glowing skin, clarity of mind a a flat stomach?! Sounds like that #newrenaissancelife

NP xx


#cleanse #detox #health #wellness #pressedjuices #superelixir #organicavenue